Stakeholder engagement and consultation software that your team will love to use

Stakeholder engagement and community relations can be mission-critical for successful project development.

Jambo is an SRM (Stakeholder Relationship Management) software built to help teams manage all their stakeholder engagement information in one secure location.

Get Jambo and quickly track, manage and report on all your stakeholder engagement information.

Stakeholder relationship management, simplified.

Want to improve stakeholder engagement and build better stakeholder relationships?

It's time to forget about spreadsheets and CRMs.

Spreadsheets and CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) tools aren't made for effective stakeholder data management.

Jambo is a stakeholder relationship management tool built to help teams manage all their stakeholder engagement information in one secure location.

Securely organize your stakeholder information

You may be engaging with hundreds or even thousands of stakeholders or communities.

  • Jambo makes stakeholder information management easy. Add all your key contacts and consistently log communication records with them to build a complete history of engagement.
  • All information lives in one secure location and is shareable across teams and projects.

Create useful reports in seconds

Creating stakeholder engagement progress reports for decision-makers or Indigenous consultation reports to satisfy regulatory requirements can be overwhelming. Especially if you don't have a way to pull all the data quickly into a report.

  • Log all your stakeholder engagement information in Jambo, so you easily compile reports to suit your needs with just a few clicks.

Stay on top of stakeholder issues and commitments

The easiest way to lose trust with stakeholders is by forgetting to follow up on issues or commitments.

  • Jambo allows you to log and organize your issues and commitments, review them by priority and impact, and monitor them until they are resolved or fulfilled.

Jambo is used by leading organizations and governments like:

Still using spreadsheets for stakeholder data management?

Are you drowning in stakeholder engagement or Indigenous consultation data?

If this sounds like you, you need a stakeholder management platform. Jambo makes it easy for teams to log data, find the necessary information, and compile helpful reports in seconds.

How do you get started with Jambo?

Three easy steps


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Want to find out if Jambo is the right stakeholder tool
for your organization?

Stakeholder relationship management, simplified.

Why not book a quick call to talk about your stakeholder engagement and consultation challenges?

We want to help you determine if our secure, online stakeholder engagement software is the right choice for your team.